Adult Ministries

Onsight Classes

Onsight Classes

Onsight Bible Studies are small groups that meet on campus every Sunday morning during our 10 AM Discipleship Hour. This hour allows you to attend the worship service of your choice and be involved in an Onsight Class. There are classes for all ages from children (KidPoint) to senior adults (Top of the Hill). Classes cover various topics and spiritual subjects that are relative to the group.

Often, the class curriculum coordinates with the sermon series for those who seek to dive deeper. One of the main benefits of our Onsight classes is to connect with others and "do life" with them. Onsight groups become friends and a support system. Class members care for each other, prayer for one another, host showers, bring dinners, and rally around each other.

Learn More About Classes


    Middle aged couples studying Gods word, searching His will for our lives, and doing life together. Come join in and share this journey with us as we discover that God still has a plan for us.


    A group of believers of all ages and backgrounds studying God’s Word in various ways. We walk through books of the Bible at times and other times we use video or book curriculum. Come join us as we push each other to grow as followers of Christ.


    Mountaineers are natives of mountainous regions and climb mountains for sport. Mountaineers have a goal and they press forward to reach the summit. They are not afraid to climb high nor are they afraid to fall. As children of God we are instructed to grow into maturity and fruitfulness. Our class is focused on spiritual growth. If you want to be loved and challenged come climb with us. 2 Peter 1:3-11. All ages welcome, currently mostly 20's - 40's.

  • FAC Classroom

    Our goal is to be a true community of believers offering encouragement to one another in this journey called life. Adults age 30’s - 60’s


    Young married couples studying Gods word, searching His will for our lives, and doing life together. Come join in and share this journey with us!

  • Downstairs - KidPoint Building

    A group of young married couples, some with children of various ages, coming together for Gospel-centered discipleship. Our goal is to build the foundation of our homes on the Word of God.

  • Downstairs Conference Room

    Young professionals 24+ coming together for community and discipleship by walking through books of the Bible.

  • A group of College age students that meet in the room above the Cafe in the commons area! This group also meets for activities outside of Sundays so get connected to learn more!

  • Men's Ministry


    This is our goal in Men’s Ministry - to sharpen and strengthen one another. In Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Scriptures say that every male was required to gather with other men and appear before the Lord three times a year. We hold regular events including quarterly Men’s Breakfast where men come together to stay encouraged and engaged in their walk with God. There are also men’s small groups that meet at different times throughout the week.

  • Women's Ministry

    Our vision is to point ladies to Christ through fellowship, Bible studies and service. We offer a regular monthly fellowship the third Thursday of each month to help deepen our relationships with one another. We provide Bible studies throughout the year and an annual retreat for rest and spiritual growth. Our women’s ministry has participated in numerous community service opportunities including providing the school counselor with hygiene supplies and school supplies, hosting a diaper drive for the North Jefferson Women’s Center, and we have ministered to our church family and community in various other ways.

    Please click here to check out our Facebook page. There, you’ll find daily devotionals, encouragement, prayer requests, and opportunities to serve!

Top of the Hill

Top of the Hill is our ministry to senior adults. They meet every Tuesday afternoon for lunch and small group Bible study at Ms. Shirley Hill‘s house. The food is five star and so is the fellowship. They also take trips and enjoy special times with the staff and leadership of our Church. Come join them if you're ready to live on top of the hill!


Project 28 gets its name from the Great Commission found in Matthew 28.  It is a year-long journey of discipleship that will transform anyone who goes through it. The journey was developed by our pastor from years of trial and error. In its 12th year of existence, the evolution of this journey has gone through the refiner's fire and is heralded by its students as one of the best. In this journey you will start easy and gradually be introduced to more and more. The process is so subtle, you will not realize how deep you have gone. Most people use the ocean as an analogy. You enter in ankle deep and before long you are swimming with life that you never knew was possible. Ask yourself this question, if you were offered $1 million dollars at this very moment to say all 66 books of the Bible without messing up, would you walk away a millionaire? If not, P28 can change that. If you were made the same offer but you had to say at least 4 Bible verses without messing up along with their reference, would you walk away wealthy? Project 28 shows you how to memorize in ways you've never thought possible. P28  is the nuts and bolts of discipleship and HighPoint is making it available, but it is up to you to start the assembly.

2024 classes now closed! Check back for 2025!