

Once the Gospel has clicked in our lives and we begin to climb through the process of becoming a disciple, then our purpose on Earth soon becomes CLEAR. The clear purpose, as a follower of Christ, is to help others know Him. When we fully understand what we have received, we feel compelled to serve others, but not to earn God’s favor. We serve simply because we have been greatly served by Him and we want others to experience the saving grace of our Lord. To be made into the image of Christ, who gave us the greatest example of a servant, is the root of what it means to be a Christ-follower. When we give of ourselves, we find that our climb is perpetual -- it never ceases. 


  • We want to know your talents! There are many opportunities for you to utilize your gifts within the church. If you are interested to dive deeper into your unique gifting, use the assessments below as a starting point. Our hope is that you would explore the various areas of service at HighPoint and act on them in an effort to display God’s Clear purpose for your life.

    Take the Spiritual Gifts Test

    Take the Animal House Test

  • Once you've completed one of these tests, you should have a good idea of the unique ways God has gifted you. We'd love to help you find ways to share these gifts with others. There are many areas you can serve Christ at HighPoint, in our community and across the world. You could serve or teach in KidPoint, Students, or adult onsite classes. We also have opportunities in the Commons Cafe, Connections Corner Desk, Sound Booth or Video Team. Or maybe you’re more comfortable in the arena of a Security Team or Maintenance Crew. There are many places to serve and various commitment levels. There are weekly positions, and also short term commitments, like Vacation Bible School workers or set up crews for events. Many of the opportunities operate on a rotating schedule so you can still attend onsite classes and worship services regularly.

    We also have opportunities to serve locally in our community as well as internationally as part of our Missions team.

    HighPoint is growing, and so are the opportunities for serving!

  • If you have a team in mind that you are interested in serving with, please let us know! Stop by the Connection Corner on Sunday, or fill out the volunteer form below and we'll reach out to connect you. If you have any additional questions about serve teams you can email us at or call us at 205.590.7200.

Media & Tech


Welcome Team


Worship Leaders






Food Bank






Media & Tech •  Welcome Team •  Worship Leaders •  KidPoint •  Students •  Food Bank •  Missions •  Teaching • 

Uganda Missions Team

In 2022 HighPoint traveled to Uganda, Africa to serve Sonrise Ministries INC. We are in continued prayer for this ministry and the people in Uganda. If you are interested in our next mission trip please email us at!


At HighPoint, we believe the Missio Dei (Mission of God) calls us to go into all the world, both locally and globally. With the Great Commission in mind, we have found opportunities to serve our community and would love for you to join us! We're planning frequent Community Serve Days where we'll meet up and go into the community to serve our schools and neighbors by completing yard work, cleanup, and other various projects.We also now have a team serving others by preparing food for those in need. We will be contributing to local food banks by providing meals and volunteers. Additionally, we have a Meal team who takes turns preparing meals for those who are sick, injured or otherwise in need.

If you would like to know more, or be involved in one of these serve teams, please fill out the form below to join our First Hands Serve List.
Our serve team leaders will be in touch soon to get you connected!